adults & high school students
Contrary to popular belief, martial arts training is not just good, beneficial, and appropriate for kids. Not that long ago most students were either teens or adults. These days, many martial arts academies focus on young children for their student base while neglecting the ones that drop them off and pay for their tuition - the parents! That is not the case at Lorence Martial Arts!
Adults and high school students can benefit as much as, if not more than, children in a martial arts program catered to their needs. Whether you join our taekwon-do or eskrima classes (or both!) you will experience all these benefits:
Personal protection skills. Not just how to fight but how to be more aware and deescalate so it doesn’t have to become physical.
Increased flexibility and range of motion.
Exercise - whole body, fun, and different class to class. Both cardio and muscular improvement. No more staring at a TV while on a treadmill or wondering if someone wiped down the equipment before you.
Stress relief. No one should run away when things pile up and they feel the pressures of a busy life pressing in around them. Instead, they should find a way to regroup, recharge, and be more energized and optimistic to go face those giants. Regular training gives you that time for yourself to be reminded that you can tackle what lies ahead. Also, you are surrounded by other like minded individuals that are there by your side training, growing, and learning how to better handle the day-to-day.
New relationships. Remember what it was like to be a kid and making friends was easy. Here is your new playground - the place you can come to have fun while working on achieving your goals. And the best part about this playground - no one will ever make fun of you, bully you, or tell you that you aren’t good enough. As we learn together, we succeed together, and then we find out what a true friend is.
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