For decades specialists have been touting the benefits of martial arts - especially taekwon-do and karate - for children diagnosed with Autism. Over the years we have had a few children come through our classes with this diagnosis. Then after hearing many parents of children with Autism in the area say they thoroughly looked and could not find a martial arts school open to working with their child, especially with those further on the spectrum, we decided to create Conquest.
Conquest is a unique approach that is very individualized. We base each student’s program around the goals that mom and dad have for their child. They receive a 30 minute private lesson every week. During this time your child will work on what we see is necessary at that time to help work towards their goals. No two students will have the same private lesson!
Then they also meet for a 30 minute Conquest group class Wednesdays at 4:30. This is the chance to work together, focusing on their skills in a social setting. If we see a child is ready, the possible third portion of their training would be to periodically step into the mainstream classes. For some students, this becomes a transition to “graduate” from Conquest to only train in the regular class setting.
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